Interaction between drugs (Speed, Ecstasy) and medications: what do you need to know?

31-year-old woman5 years ago
Hello, I would like to know if there can be an intersection with metamphetamine (speed, MDMA) and the antibiotic dioxycicline. Will the effect of the drug be inhibited? Or could there be dangers? Thank you
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5 hours

Stéphane Villeneuve · 5 years ago
Hello, E can indeed pose risks related to dehydration, as the antibiotic doxycycline can cause episodes of diarrhea. It is known that MDMA makes the user "deaf" to the signals of thirst; combined with the dehydration caused by an episode of diarrhea, permanent damage to the kidneys can then occur. You may have noticed that the "buzz" from one pill to another varies greatly; this is due, among other things, to the fact that MDMA can also be cut with different substances which vary greatly. In the meantime, obviously remembering that possession, trafficking, possession for the purpose of trafficking, production, importing and exporting of MDMA are illegal, if you notice that someone is under the influence of Ecstasy, reminding them to hydrate properly and to go urinate without waiting for the usual signals could help avoid more serious consequences. Hoping to have answered your question, Stéphane Villeneuve, pharmacist

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