Breastfeeding: should TLC products be avoided?

38-year-old woman5 years ago
Can I take resolution formula no 20, NRG and isaotea while breastfeeding all TLC products
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11 hours

Marie-France Nicole · 5 years ago
Hello, these products are part of the natural products. The legal framework of these products in Canada does not oblige companies to verify if these products are safe during breastfeeding. Therefore, we unfortunately do not have enough information. Since you are breastfeeding and the baby is usually more sensitive than the adult to the effects of the products, I recommend that you wait until you are no longer breastfeeding before taking these products. Furthermore, I recommend that you be very careful with this type of product: their effectiveness is not proven, even if the company mentions on its website that it is good for many things. It is also possible that some of these products are contaminated with insecticides or other contaminants.

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